Android vs iOS: Which Mobile OS is Better

October 27, 2021


In a world where mobile devices are ubiquitous, the debate of which mobile operating system is better has been ongoing for years. People everywhere have divided opinions on whether to use Android or iOS. But ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and the features each platform provides. In this blog post, we will examine the pros and cons of both operating systems and delve into the numbers to help you make an informed decision.


When it comes to features, both Android and iOS have their strengths and weaknesses. Android is an open-source platform, and therefore, its users can customize their device to their preferences. Additionally, the Google Play Store offers more apps than its iOS counterpart, including free apps that can help you tweak your Android device further.

On the other hand, iOS offers a more streamlined and user-friendly experience. Apple has stricter guidelines for app developers, which results in a more polished and secure app ecosystem. Also, iOS devices receive updates faster than Android devices, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities affecting your device.


In terms of performance, both Android and iOS have their differences. Android devices are known to offer a more customizable experience, but this comes at the cost of performance in some cases. Low-end Android devices can be slow and unresponsive, but high-end devices offer snappy and smooth performance.

iOS devices, on the other hand, offer consistent and reliable performance regardless of the device's specifications. Apple optimizes its software to work seamlessly with its hardware, which results in a smoother performance overall.

Market Share

According to Statista, as of Q2 2021, Android has a 72.98% market share while iOS has a 26.68% market share. This statistic alone shows that Android dominates the smartphone market, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a better operating system. Expounding on this, Android's open-source nature has allowed more manufacturers to create Android devices, while Apple is the sole manufacturer of iOS devices.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, both Android and iOS have their pros and cons, but ultimately, the choice lies with the user's personal preference. If customizations and having a broader app selection are essential, Android might be the way to go. Whereas if stability, security, and having a more streamlined user experience matter more, iOS might be the better choice. Moreover, statistics show that Android is more widely used, but it doesn't mean that it's the better choice in terms of quality.


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